The UK is legally bound to reach net zero
carbon emissions by 2050 and the middle
market are doing their part to help get
the country to its target. 79 per cent of
respondents said they had taken some action
to reduce their businesses carbon emissions.
Financial incentives are available to
businesses to encouraging them to reduce
their emissions, but there is a wider societal
shift that is helping. The war for talent now
revolves around candidates that want to
work for purpose-driven organisations.
Many business owners are also now looking
to the future and considering the legacy they
leave for the next generation. There is a clear
momentum behind the sustainability drive,
but the challenge the UK has in order to reach
net zero is huge. Scrutiny will begin to turn
to the country's energy sources, but the real
change must come from society.
Behavioural change is fundamental to
significantly reducing carbon emissions,
and infrastructure must be put in place
to support these changes. There are
widespread calls for the changes in
bahaviour brought about by the coronavirus
pandemic to be encouraged and used to help
the fight against climate change.
Getting to net zero