Developing digital infrastructure
Our survey respondents identified
improvements to digital infrastructure as the
key development that would have the biggest
positive impact for the middle market. With the
changing habits in remote working and digital
technology becoming readily available to smaller
businesses it is easy to see why digital public
infrastructure is considered important to middle
market businesses.
'Small and medium sized businesses
are turning to digital technology such as
cloud software to help underpin their growth.
Many rely completely on the cloud for their
IT and on the internet for their sales. They
need reliable connectivity and public cloud
infrastructure for this, and this isn't yet there
in all parts of the country,' comments Chris
Knowles, Chief Digital Officer at RSM UK.
43 per cent of respondents stated that
improvements to the telecoms network will
have a significant positive impact on their
business's day to day activities. This was closely
followed by telecoms network security, with
41 per cent stating that this would also have a
significant impact.
Benefit infrastructure improvements
would have on business activities
Little Minor Moderate
telecommunications networks (5G, rural broadband, etc.)
telecommunications network security
16% 37% 43%
18% 38% 41%