Even considering the positive steps forward in
recent years the UK is faced with a herculean
task in that to reach net zero and making
progress has already proved difficult.
In a recent report the CCC stated that the
Government has currently fully achieved
only two of the 31 milestones agreed in 2019.
Although partial progress has been made in
15 of those milestones, predominately in the
transport and industry sectors, progress is
generally behind in most sectors.
The CCC has claimed that the cost of reaching
the net zero goal will be 'significant' and
the additional capital investment needed
between now and 2050 will be over £1trillion.
Considering the country is emerging from
one of the worst economic shocks in history,
finding the funding to hit that figure will be
difficult, even if the economic damage of the
coronavirus pandemic is not as considerable
as first anticipated.